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Tire TrainedTire Trained
/T3 January 2024

W3/D3 Lower Body

5.0|60Β min
Welcome to WEEK #3 of your January T3 program! W3/D3 Lower Body (Glutes + Quads + Hamstrings) 1. Mobility Warmup 2. Back Squats 4 x 8-12) 3A. Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (4 x 8-12) 3B. Weighted Walking Lunges (4 x 8-12/leg) 3C. Sumo Squats (4 x 8-12) 4. Circuit Conditioning 5. Mobility Cool Down This week is all about MIND TO MUSCLE & TIME UNDER TENSION. MIND TO MUSCLE Mind to muscle is actively moving the weight to feel a contraction in a specific muscle or muscle group. Once you are effectively able to put this to practice you will understand the difference between actively moving the weight to achieve a contraction and passively moving the weight just to complete the exercise. The moment you can achieve good mind to muscle connection is the moment your transformation process changes. Your movement will be much more deliberate. You will be able to maximize the contraction. You will create an environment within the body to make the exercise much more effective bridging you to the next level of adaptation (increasing weights, reps, sets, etc.) Achieving mind to muscle connection is much easier with a concept called Time Under Tension. Read on to learn more about TUT as these two things go hand in hand with your training process. TIME UNDER TENSION Time under tension is the length of time a muscle is under tension during an exercise. This is an extension of the lifting fundamental TEMPO. It is imperative to your performance and your results that you take your time with strength movements. The muscle should be under tension for an appropriate period of time (with good form) to lead the body to muscle failure (or close to it) at the end of your set with the weight you are working with. As a general rule, we start with a 2-0-2-0 tempo unless otherwise specified. For example, with a bicep curl it should take two seconds (1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi...) to curl the dumbbell up, a zero-second pause at the top, a two-second release to the starting position, and a zero-second pause at the bottom. When you are cognizant of the time your muscle is under tension you can more appropriately make that mind-to-muscle connection happen.

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