Intro image
Videos for each exercise
strength + endurance base programs for every season
Workout logging, scheduling, and more
Beginner Friendly programs to build muscle!

Workouts for every level - beginner to advance.

  • Workouts for every level - Wether you've never touched a weight to you've been lifting for years.
  • 1 on 1 Support! Message me for any questions you may have. I'm here to help.
  • Video Tutorials & Modifications - Video demos for all movements along with modifications when needed
  • Educational Guides > Recipes, macro tracking, nutrition, supplements and more!
  • Progress tracking directly in the app.

Included in subscription

Winter Build
Winter Build
  • Gain Muscle
  • 12 weeks, 4 days per week
  • Weight Lifting, Full Body, Lower Body
  • Intermediate
Fall Foundations
Fall Foundations
  • Endurance + Muscle
  • 6 weeks, 6 days per week
  • Functional, Running, Cycling
  • All Levels
Strength In 30
Strength In 30
  • Strength
  • 4 weeks, 3 days per week
  • Functional, Bodybuilding
  • All Levels
I'm so amazed at the progress!!! I went from deadlifting 95lbs to 165lbs with the potential for more!!!
What an incredible burn in the best way! My arms look amazing right now.
Clear, easy to follow workouts that make building muscle fun.
My quads are on fire! I could feel myself pushing hard. It was tough, but it felt amazing when I finished.

Coach. Trainer. Mentor. Athlete.

A fractured pelvis on an 18 mile training run followed with a diagnosis of brittle bones at age 23 was the catalyst for how I live, train, and coach today. Strength. Endurance. Nutrition. Designed for women who live life Full SEND. Meaning, you do the hard things but you love to have fun too! I believe you can't have one without the other. I help women build a strong body. Strong mind. Strong finish. From building muscle, Xterra triathlon, mountain biking, ultras and all the in between.

Frequently asked questions

How much does the app cost?
You can join my app FREE for the first 7 days. After that, you'll pay $14.99/month or $99.99/year. That breaks down to just $0.49 a day or $0.28 a day — less than your morning cup of coffee!
What makes SEND different? How do I know it will work for me
If you're here it's because you want endurance and muscle without sacrificing your time or burning yourself out. If I had to guess you may have tried this in your past and it didn't work. Hybrid training involves A LOT of strategy and intention behind the design of each workout. You are the 1% who is daring to look good, feel good, and perform well - you're a one of a kind human and your program should be too! I'm here to tell you, if you do the work and follow the plan, you'll get results. If you need additional support, there are ways to work with me directly to support your specific training needs!
I'm a beginner, is SEND app for me?
Absolutely yes! Most programs in this app are built for beginners to advance athletes and can be customized to fit your busy schedule. The programs are designed to work within your lifestyle, not the other way around. As a beginner, these programs will amplify your results and help you truly find your sweet spot with building muscle and going the distance.

24/7 customer support

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