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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
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Week 1 Mindset: Macros or Intuitive Eating?

4.9|12 comments
Week 1 Macros vs Intuitive Eating One of the biggest questions I hear being asked is - should I track my macros or should I try intuitive eating? There is a lot of fear and resistance when it comes to both. In this video, I ... more


Delaney 4mo ago
Finally getting to these videos! Great information
Ashley 4mo ago
I am really looking forward to the discussion on intuitive and tracking. I’ve previously had an unhealthy relationship with ship with macro tracking so I’m excited to see how I can use my knowledge to support intuitive eating.
Olivia 4mo ago
Loved this! I have been struggling with trying to decide. I do have specific goals but also, the thought of tracking is agonizing to me. I think I’ll stick with intuitive eating and track only my protein and fiber as Ana ma mentioned. I’m not in the head space or even physical space to learn the in-and outs-of macro tracking right now but maybe in the future. I’ve done it once in the past (was on a good meal plan) but the thought of prepping meals with a toddler is intimidating.
Lexi 5mo ago
Thank you for this! I haven’t ever thought of just doing a food journal to keep track of what I’m eating throughout the day! This is a great idea ☺️
Caroline 5mo ago
This was such a great reminder for the new year

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