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PP Yoga Flow

4.9|25 min|5 comments
Very gentle yoga flow hitting all the spots we need to stretch and open up. Includes~ A lot of Lower body stretching ... more


Kayley 6d ago
10/10 we’re six months postpartum and this felt SO GOOOD. Thank you 💕
Bonnie 7mo ago
Thank you! 🥰
Alexandra 1y ago
This was pretty much perfection. Everything I could want in a PP yoga flow. 9 weeks post partum and my body has been so tight from breastfeeding and getting back to working out. Omgoodness
Tori 1y ago
So excited to see you have postpartum stuff!
Carole 1y ago
I’m 3weeks post partum, and didn’t do any « exercise » until this… THANK YOU! It was perfect and exactly what I needed… you were just telling in each pose exactly what my body wanted to do! Amazing 😍

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