✅Create MAX stretch
✅Stacking backside
✅Hip coil
✅Hitting oppo
🚫Roll overs
🚫Weak oppo flares
🚫Early weight shift
- Stand at a 90° from home plate (as if pitcher is at 3B)
- Feet wider than shoulder width apart with slight bend in the knees
- Hands in front of chest
- Begin to turn/coil and allow your front heel to lift and rotate for better range of motion
- Coil until your upper body is square to the plate with front chin on shoulder
- FEEL yourself coiling around your back hip
- When at max stretch/coil, FIRE!
- Try to keep your head in the same place from max coil through your finish
- Explode to the ball from your back side
- Goal is hit backspin line drives from Gap-To-Gap, preferably Center to slight oppo
Perform this drill slow and smooth until the point of full stretch, then QUICK LAUNCH!
DO NOT try to hit ball hard, just execute the drill by taking controlled swings