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Sara Garavuso Sara Garavuso
/Build A Booty / Gym

W6/D5 | Gym BAB | Posterior Chain

5.0|60 min|3 comments
Welcome to week 6 of the Build A Booty program! You are killing it! You have become familiar with this program/workouts/movements and you are now focusing on progressive overload. Our main goal is to be pushing yourself over ... more


Katie 2y ago
This is one of the first times I have completed a workout program! I'm so grateful and thankful for your program and the motivation it gave me. I loved pushing myself everyday to become better and stronger than I was yesterday. I'm seriously just on cloud 9😍🥳
Leslie 2y ago
Loved this program!!! Excited for the next!!!
Lauren 2y ago
Loved this program so much! I can feel how much stronger I am getting.

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