What are the goals of the program? To Challenge you each week with a new Challenge. Cardio, Crossfit style timed challenges that will push you and motivate you get to get stronger, faster and more athletic.
How to get the best outcome of the program? Take a week to practice the movements and exercises and at the end of the week go for the challenge. Set a timer and see if you can beat my time.
How to schedule the program into a week? It’s one Challenge a week. So try and scheduled to do on the weekend.
What do I need to participate in this program? Most gym equipment. Barbells, Assault Bike, Skier, Rower and pull up bar.
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)? All the challenges are Scaleable so you can do the best weight or exercise for yourself.
*build up to it. Rather you go lighter with good form then go heavy and hurt yourself.