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Kristy SellarsKristy Sellars
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Step 7: Stage Presence

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DarkCyanide 1y ago
Stage fright acting up is one of the big things that makes me struggle with this, makes me realise how lucky we are in aus because we learn so much about performing within the standard school curriculum and so much is coming back to me, but no one has ever had a valid answer on coping mechanisms for stage fright once you’re actually ON STAGE, and with stuff this physical the typical ballet etc “just spew first” is NOT a valid option cause that will just lead to a fainting episode lol
Phoenix 1y ago
I love this and thing you are spot on. Before Pole I spent 8 years as a competitive ballroom dancer. One of the most important lessons I learned as part of performing (even with a partner) is to find your center and show this powerful lead from the chest/breastbone. Your extremities are supposed to be soft and light but your body a frame. I took this training into pole and I get comments all the time of looking “powerful” / commanding “attention because you move with intention. I think you can right away see someone who is control of their frame versus letting their arms and legs or head pull them in the direction they are going. It’s not about looking stiff. It’s about embracing and showcasing this dancer posture - you see it in classical ballet as well. Strong but soft. It’s hard to do as more muscles are working and you have to practice each move. But once you execute it, is beautiful and unforgettable
Yenth’l 1y ago
This explanation is beautiful and what dancing and all forms of art are all about. It comes from the soul💕.Thanks for explaining the area it comes from and an awareness of it!

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