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/Functional PPL

W3/D3 Legs (Quads + Glutes Focus)

4.9|60 min|4 comments
Wednesday: Legs (Quads + Glutes Focus) Warm Up: Perform the prescribed reps of the exercises below one after the other with no rest in between. Do 1 set. -Lateral Band Walk x 20 (each side) -Band Monster Walks x 20 (each side) -Front Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 8 (each leg) -KB Good Morning + Goblet Squat x 8 -Barbell Back Squat (just the bar) x 8 Workout: Perform all sets and reps of each exercise before moving on to the next. Do 3 sets of each exercise with 2 minutes rest in between sets. Lift as heavy as you can while maintaining excellent technique! -Barbell Back Squats 3 x 8 -KB Side Lunges 3 x 8 (each leg) -Barbell Heel Elevated Squats w/ 2 Sec Pause 3 x 8 -KB Walking Lunges w/ 2 Sec Pause 3 x 8 (each leg) 5 Minute AMRAP Finisher: Perform the prescribed reps of each exercise one after the other as many times as you can with excellent technique in 5 minutes. -KB Goblet Squats x 10 -Burpees x 5 Calves Superset: Perform the prescribed reps of each exercise one after the other with no rest in between exercises. Once you finish the second exercise, rest 60 seconds. Do 3 sets. -KB Calf Raises x 10 -Standing Tib Raises x 20 Cool Down: Perform each stretch for 30-60 seconds. Do 1-2 sets. -S. Leg Calf Stretch (each leg) -Couch Stretch (each leg) -Elevated Pigeon Stretch (each leg) -Band S. Leg Hamstring Stretch (each leg)


Tommy 10d ago
Absolutely killer…legs are gonna be sore 🥵
Preet 21d ago
Awesome! 🔥🔥
Jarrad 1mo ago

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