Hi guys! Im Chelsea and known as @chelseasyoga on Instagram! I’m a mom of three teens and a new baby boy and found yoga in 2014! I was never a gymnast, dancer, or competitive athlete but found myself deeply drawn to yoga after my first studio class. It created a sense of calm and quiet that my overly congested mind craved. I became certified to teach in April '15 (RYT 200) and my passion for sharing my yoga journey and teaching others took over. I later earned my RYT 500, teach my practice online and on yoga retreats around the world. My mind and body craved the time on my mat and years later it is still my favorite outlet and has moved way beyond asana (the physical practice). Yoga can be whatever you want it to be and for anyone. All it has ever asked of me is to show up and every time I do, I take what I need to grow and leave everything else on my mat.