About Brittany Ogus
Online personal trainer
The beginning of my fitness journey started with long distance running, over exercising, and under eating. Eventually I found my way to weight lifting and immediately fell in love. I competed in a few bikini competitions and loved it, however, I didn't love the restriction and how I felt mentally. I continued to struggle with body image and constant on and off dieting, so I decided to step back and focus on over all health and wellness. I stopped competing, started eating intuitively, and started lifting for strength, fun, and health. Since then, my life has never been better or more fulfilling. I have been through two healthy pregnancies as well as two postpartum experiences and I currently feel the best and most confident I ever have in my life while still having the best relationship with food I've ever had in my life. Fitness is a huge part of my life, but it's not my entire life. I reach my fitness goals and look/feel better than ever while being the most balanced. It's my goal now to help women do the same and to inspire others to focus on strength, health, and happiness.