MyoFascia Release MFR
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What is MyoFascia or Fascia?
When we experience physical trauma or overuse and inflammation the fascia loses its pliability. It can become tight, restricted, dehydrated and a source of tension throughout the rest of the body. In a healthier state the fascia is relaxed, elastic and soft. It has the ability to adapt and move without restriction.
Under a microscope, myofascia resembles a spider web or fish net. It is very organized and very flexible in a healthy state. myofascia can best be described as a complete body suit which runs from the top of your head down to the bottom of your toes. It is continuous, has no beginning or end and can be found almost everywhere in your body. Like yarn in a sweater the entire body is connected to every other part of the body by the fascia. It is a continuous weave of material. And, like a pull in a sweater, damage to an area of fascia can effect other distant areas in your body even years later.
These Myofascial Release techniques help to reorganize, hydrate and lengthen the tight tissue allowing for better movement, blood flow and less chronic pain.