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April ImholteApril Imholte
/Bikini Bod 2.0

Week 6 & 8 Day 3: TOTAL BODY HIIT

5.0|30Β min|5 comments
AMRAP X 30mins Complete each exercise x 15 reps with as little rest between as possible. Repeat as many rounds as possible in 30minutes.


Tanya β€’ 4y ago
Great workout! I'm starting to see the definition in my legs just standing in the mirror and a major plus my butt is getting bigger! 😁
Steph β€’ 4y ago
That definition for the heart rate up for today! BOOM πŸ’₯
Aurora β€’ 4y ago
I struggled today, but great workout.
Kristin β€’ 4y ago
I may miss the live later, but that doesn't mean I didn't kill it on my own! Just needed motivation, determination, and some weights! I wish I could show you the sweat dripping down!!
Connie β€’ 4y ago
Definitely warm!

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