Welcome to Body 2.0, my newest physique-driven program that is designed to sculpt your body like a bikini or wellness competitor. For this 6 week program, I've specifically chosen exercises that build an hourglass shape (defined shoulders with a tapered back, large round glutes, and strong legs with defined hamstrings) and exercises that I personally love and know are effective. After years of competing and working with bikini competitors, I understand the exact muscle groups and exercises you need to build to achieve this look and I’m bringing them all to this program!
For this beginner gym version, you will need access to a full gym set-up with machines. If you only have access to free weights/dumbbells, check out my " home gym" versions. Your gym may not have all the machines listed in the program so I try to make suggestions for alternatives on machines that I know are less common. If you're still not sure about a specific substitution, reach out to me directly in this app or join our Facebook group and post any questions you have there!
For best results, make sure you are staying on top of your nutrition & recovery. Check out my sample meal plans in the "nutrition" section.
Schedule is below:
Day 1 - Lower Body (Quads & Glutes Focused)
Day 2 - Upper Body (Shoulders & Back focused)
Day 3 - Lower Body (Glutes & Hamstring Focused)
Day 4 - Upper Body & Abs
Day 5 - Total Lower Body
Day 6 - Optional: Bench + Arms + Metcon
Day 7 - Rest Day Mobility