Ryan Dengler


Get started today!

This is an 9-week powerbuilding style program designed to challenge you in both bodybuilding and powerlifting training styles. This is personally my favorite way to train and probably my favorite program I've ever created. This will include RPE and percentage programming for both powerlifting and bodybuilding movements throughout the program, so make sure you look at each workout description before you begin. The workout description will give you the exact RPE and percentage protocol for every set of your workout. Take a look at the FAQ section if you're struggling to figure out how to use RPE and percentages when applying it to your training. There are 6 sessions per week and 8 weeks total for a total of 48 training sessions. There is also an optional max out week once the full 8 weeks has been completed for you to test out your new 1-rep maxes on squat, bench, and deadlift.

Strength, Performance, powerlifting, bodybuilding
9 weeks program
Strength, Performance, powerlifting, bodybuilding
9 weeks program


BLOCK 1 - Chest & Tricep Wk 1 Day 1
BLOCK 1 - Chest & Tricep Wk 1 Day 1
BLOCK 1 - Back & Bicep Wk 1 Day 2
BLOCK 1 - Back & Bicep Wk 1 Day 2
BLOCK 1 - Leg & Shoulder Wk 1 Day 3
BLOCK 1 - Leg & Shoulder Wk 1 Day 3
BLOCK 1 - Back & Tricep Wk 1 Day 4
BLOCK 1 - Back & Tricep Wk 1 Day 4
BLOCK 1 - Leg Focus Wk 1 Day 5
BLOCK 1 - Leg Focus Wk 1 Day 5
Love this app!!! Every workout is challenging and I've had amazing results
Beautiful, user friendly app. truly enjoying having quick access to workouts. makes reaching my goal of daily movement much easier.
Clear, straightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Stream Anywhere
Stream to your TV and laptop using Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, or Fire TV.
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

About Ryan Dengler

Online personal trainer

What’s up guys, my name is Ryan Dengler! I’m currently a student at The Ohio State University and have been working out for over 7 years consistently now. I started out as a football, basketball, and baseball athlete and transitioned more specifically into powerlifting and bodybuilding after high school. I became a certified personal trainer when I was 18 years old and have trained hundreds of clients online since that time. I started up a fitness YouTube channel when I was 14 years old in order to help and inspire as many people as I could possibly reach. Since then, my YouTube has grown to nearly 150k subscribers and I put out new YouTube videos 1-2 times per week. I want to help all of you guys to become the best versions of yourselves, whether that’s in strength, hypertrophy, athletics, etc, so let’s get to work and start pushing ourselves towards progressing every single day!

Frequently asked questions

What is RPE and how does it work?
Watch these videos for a background on what RPE is, how to use it in your training, and how to judge your RPE's on your training sets: RPE background info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAAUG-9MK9c https://youtu.be/0_JJZHKUV5U https://youtu.be/WXQaEq4_2lY https://youtu.be/2xEYSsfiWIE
How to read the workout protocol? Ex. " 1 rep @ RPE 7 // then use 72.5% of your 1RM 3 x 5 reps "
For the example, this just means that your top set will just be 1 rep and you will perform that rep at an RPE of 7. Then for your backdown sets, you'll use 72.5% of what your current estimated one rep max is for another 3 sets of 5 reps. For example, if your estimated max is 405 lbs on squat, then you'll use 72.5% of that, so about 295 lbs. for your backdown sets.

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