Michael Eckert

Advanced Pull Ups

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Advanced Pull Up Program Recommended for 13-20 Pull Up rep range WORK DAYS - This program is set up for 4 working days a week. REST DAYS - Set up rest days as needed I recommend 1-2 days of work then rest 1-2 days. READ BEFORE BEGINNING **Assess your weight totals and averages by performing 2-5 reps of each exercise that uses weights. You want to maintain about 60-75% of your MAX for the duration of the workout. Remember you can always go up in weight but attempting something too heavy can result in injury. Example – I can curl 20lbs 4 times MAX so what is 75% of 20 = .75 x 20 = 15lbs (Target weight for the exercise) Phase 1: Complete this before beginning week 1 (day 1) 1. Pull-Ups: Can you do any, and if so, how many with good form? 2. Negatives: How many unbroken Negatives can you do with a 5 second lower? 3. 90 Degree Isometric Hold: Can you hold yourself on the bar with your arms bent to 90 degrees and if so, how long? 4. Dead Hang: How long can you hold on to the bar with straight arms? Time yourself until failure. Phase 2: Complete this before beginning week 3 (day 9) 1. Pull-Ups: Can you do any, and if so, how many with good form? 2. Negatives: How many unbroken Negatives can you do with a 5 second lower? 3. 90 Degree Isometric Hold: Can you hold yourself on the bar with your arms bent to 90 degrees and if so, how long? 4. Dead Hang: How long can you hold on to the bar with straight arms? Time yourself until failure. Phase 3: Complete this before beginning week 4 (day 13) 1. Pull-ups: Can you do any pull-ups? If so, how many with good form? 2. Negatives: How many unbroken Negatives can you do with a 5 second lower? 3. 90 Degree Isometric Hold: Can you hold yourself on the bar with your arms bent to 90 degrees and if so, how long? 4. Deadhang: How long can you hold on to the bar with straight arms? Time yourself until failure.


Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 3
Day 3
Day 4
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5
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App Features

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Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
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About Michael Eckert

Online personal trainer

Michael Eckert is a United States Marine, World Record Breaker for Pull-Ups, American Ninja Warrior, Kinesiologist, Athlete and Trainer. For over 13 years Michael has been competing as an athlete while also training thousands of Marines and Civilians in high-performance fitness. While serving in the Marine Corps Michael developed a unique style of training that he calls “Dynamic Stacking”. This style of training consists of Rock Climbing Workouts, Regular Weight Lifting, Calisthenics and HITT (High Intensity Tactical Training) to bring together an awesome blend that yields insane results. The main focus is to keep the workouts very simple and effective while also not dragging them out. Efficiency is everything when it comes to Dynamic Stacking- Get in, get it done, get results.

Frequently asked questions

What are the goals of the program?
The goals of this program are to increase pull up reps from advanced to elite.
How to get the best outcome of the program?
The best outcome will come from staying consistent and focusing on form.
How to schedule the program into a week?
There are 4 days of work per week so staggering workouts 1-2 days on and 1-2 days off a week is ideal.
What do I need to participate in this program?
Minimal equipment - A bench, Pull Up bar, various dumbbells
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)?
This program is designed for advanced students

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