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KICK IT With KayKICK IT With Kay


Gain Muscle with KICK IT With Kay

WELCOME TO THE 8 WEEK CHALLENGE! 🎉 Before starting: 📸... more

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals of the program?
GOAL: This challenge is about PROGRESS not perfection! I don’ even train 7 days a week and don’t expect you to. We want to create sustainable & healthy habits that will last far beyond the end of the 8 weeks! ✨ We want to become lean mean shredded machines (Jk ab the mean part 😝) This program will help you build muscle and lose fat! It also includes some occasional HIIT workouts to keep up that endurance!
How to get the best outcome of the program?
Be consistent! Remember to be consistently good, not perfect. Also remember that you get what you put in! I can give you all the workouts in the world but it’s up to you to actually show up for yourself and pick a weight that is challenging to you etc! Also the workouts are just half of it. Remember to be doing the following alongside the workout for the best results: 1) Drink your water 2) Fuel your body properly (eating high protein and balanced carbs & fats) 3) Get plenty of sleep 4) Manage your stress levels

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals of the program?
GOAL: This challenge is about PROGRESS not perfection! I don’ even train 7 days a week and don’t expect you to. We want to create sustainable & healthy habits that will last far beyond the end of the 8 weeks! ✨ We want to become lean mean shredded machines (Jk ab the mean part 😝) This program will help you build muscle and lose fat! It also includes some occasional HIIT workouts to keep up that endurance!
How to get the best outcome of the program?
Be consistent! Remember to be consistently good, not perfect. Also remember that you get what you put in! I can give you all the workouts in the world but it’s up to you to actually show up for yourself and pick a weight that is challenging to you etc! Also the workouts are just half of it. Remember to be doing the following alongside the workout for the best results: 1) Drink your water 2) Fuel your body properly (eating high protein and balanced carbs & fats) 3) Get plenty of sleep 4) Manage your stress levels
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Track your progress with streaks to keep yourself accountable. See how many weeks in a row you can get.
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Tell me your struggles, share your progress, request content and guidance. I'm here for you!


Casey 15d ago
Do you have alternate options if our gym doesn’t have certain machines
Karsyn 1mo ago
Great workout!
Karsyn 1mo ago
Karsyn 2mo ago
Burned 350+ calories on this one! Great workout!
Karsyn 2mo ago
This workout put me in the best mood!
Rachel 3mo ago
This one was TOUGH but so good