What are the goals of the program? Move, feel, and look better. This is a great program for anyone who seems to not have enough time to make it to a gym every day.
How to schedule the program into a week? Give yourself 4 days that you can train. 3 days of lifting weights, 1 day of “HIIT”
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)? Perfect for anyone. Beginners to advanced, like all my programs, it’s all about how you go about the workout. If you want results, like anything in life, you need to give your full effort.
How to get the best outcome of the program? Follow the program step by step, reach out to me with any questions. Give it your all, enjoy the workouts and try to better yourself!
What do I need to participate in this program? Basic gym will do the trick, barbells, dumbbells, cable machines. Smith machines and other machines are an added bonus.