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Dr. Caleb BurgessDr. Caleb Burgess
/Neck/Shoulder Recovery

Neck/Shoulder Recovery

Mobility with Dr. Caleb Burgess

The Neck and Shoulder Blade Recovery Program is an 8-week program designed to help you overcome persistent neck, upper back, shoulder blade and shoulder pain by improving the mobility as well as the strength and stress tolera... more

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are these workouts for?
The Neck and Shoulder Blade Recovery Program was designed to help people that struggle with persistent neck, upper back, shoulder blade and shoulder pain
What are the goals of the program?
The goals of this program are to help you overcome persistent neck, upper back, shoulder blade and shoulder pain by improving the mobility as well as the strength and stress tolerance of these areas. Additionally, you'll learn what other factors may be contributing to the persistent tightness/pain/discomfort, what strategies you can utilize on a daily basis to keep your symptoms at bay, and what is actually causing your symptoms!
What do I need to participate?
The program requires minimal equipment (at the least you need a few towels, a resistance band, a chair/bench, and a small ball). Other than that, you just need patience and commitment in order to start seeing the results you want!
What's the schedule?
As it was designed, each workout is to be performed daily for 2 weeks before moving on to the next 2-week block, BUT some people will find that staying on a certain workout for several weeks may be more appropriate for them if they find benefit from it or need more time until they move on to the next workout. And that's okay! Take as long as you need on each routine...there is NO RUSH!
How will I get the best results?
Be patient. Be consistent. And know that although you should be seeing some noticeable (and many times, big) progress in 8 weeks, you will continue to notice more significant changes in how you feel and how you move if you stick with it for months/years/life!
Are there modifications for the exercises?
Yes! If you find that certain exercises seem to be too challenging or even uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via direct message (see the 3 dots at the top right corner of the app) so that I can give you a modification or alternative.
How can I ask you questions?
You can ALWAYS send me via direct message (see the 3 dots at the top right corner of the app) to ask questions, celebrate progress, say hello...whatever you want!
Can I share my progress with you to stay motivated?
Yes, please do! If you post about your journey on social media, please TAG ME at @dr.caleb.burgess so that I can share and celebrate your progress!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are these workouts for?
The Neck and Shoulder Blade Recovery Program was designed to help people that struggle with persistent neck, upper back, shoulder blade and shoulder pain
What are the goals of the program?
The goals of this program are to help you overcome persistent neck, upper back, shoulder blade and shoulder pain by improving the mobility as well as the strength and stress tolerance of these areas. Additionally, you'll learn what other factors may be contributing to the persistent tightness/pain/discomfort, what strategies you can utilize on a daily basis to keep your symptoms at bay, and what is actually causing your symptoms!
What do I need to participate?
The program requires minimal equipment (at the least you need a few towels, a resistance band, a chair/bench, and a small ball). Other than that, you just need patience and commitment in order to start seeing the results you want!
What's the schedule?
As it was designed, each workout is to be performed daily for 2 weeks before moving on to the next 2-week block, BUT some people will find that staying on a certain workout for several weeks may be more appropriate for them if they find benefit from it or need more time until they move on to the next workout. And that's okay! Take as long as you need on each routine...there is NO RUSH!
How will I get the best results?
Be patient. Be consistent. And know that although you should be seeing some noticeable (and many times, big) progress in 8 weeks, you will continue to notice more significant changes in how you feel and how you move if you stick with it for months/years/life!
Are there modifications for the exercises?
Yes! If you find that certain exercises seem to be too challenging or even uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via direct message (see the 3 dots at the top right corner of the app) so that I can give you a modification or alternative.
How can I ask you questions?
You can ALWAYS send me via direct message (see the 3 dots at the top right corner of the app) to ask questions, celebrate progress, say hello...whatever you want!
Can I share my progress with you to stay motivated?
Yes, please do! If you post about your journey on social media, please TAG ME at @dr.caleb.burgess so that I can share and celebrate your progress!
Features that support your success
app screen with chat
Tell me your struggles, share your progress, request content and guidance. I'm here for you!
app screen with favoriting workouts
Save your favorite content so it's effortless to refer back to. Build a library that serves your goals.
app screen with calendar and streaks
Track your progress with streaks to keep yourself accountable. See how many weeks in a row you can get.
streaming to TV
Stream to your TV and laptop using Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku or Fire TV.
app screen with chat
Tell me your struggles, share your progress, request content and guidance. I'm here for you!


GB 20d ago
Nice and easy
Florian 4mo ago
Amazing, I love the flow of the app ! For the last star, I liked to have similar exercice (for those who need materials)
Jamie 6mo ago
👏🏼 great education!
kelly 6mo ago
First time through it went well. Neck is always stiff and tight so looking forward to seeing how progress goes. Constant scapular pain!!
Nieves 6mo ago
I have a question about this program. I had and ACDF surgery (c5-c6) and never recovered from a pain in my left shoulder blade. Is this program for me? Should I change any exercise? Thanks and sorry for my English. I'm from Spain :)
JK 7mo ago
Slept weirdly and had a major flare up yesterday, but these new exercises….I can feel them all sorts of places! I keep feeling progress. Thank you!!!!