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Avril MathieAvril Mathie
/Boxing 101

W2/D5 Strength and Conditioning

5.0|45 min|1 comment
Internal Pull Ups x 8-12 Dumbbell Press with elbows in x 12-15 Jump Squats alternating weighted x 20-30... more


Tara 2y ago
Love these workouts they’re so handy. They get me in the zone!! They’re so enjoyable, dynamic and fun but really challenging at the same time. If I don’t have some of the equipment I just substitute it with other S&C exercises on the app which is why I love this app so much - it’s so easy to use. You can clearly see how much hard work went into making this easy for use and thank you for making it so affordable too that’s another one of the best things about it. As soon as I started using this app and brushing up basic boxing technique, I started getting loads of compliments in my boxing gym from my coaches. They’re taking me to the next level and I am really happy about it ! I’ll never stop referring back to this to sharpen my tools. Once again, thank you Avril you smashed it 💜😊

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