What are the goals of this program? * Increase overall lean muscle mass
*Improve athleticism (explosiveness, metabolic conditioning, mental toughness)
*Learn new skills (pistol squats, handstand push-ups, advanced dumbbell movements)
* Get lean and burn fat
* Build core strength
*Improve mobility
What do I need to participate? You will need several sets of dumbbells. I would recommend at least 3 sets (one light, one moderate, and one heavy). I occasionally call for a mini band so that is also helpful but not required. Also, some of the exercises are seated so a chair/bench would be helpful.
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)? * The workouts are designed for all levels
* Beginners: go slow, use less weight and and focus on form
* Advanced: increase weight, reps and intensity
This program is designed for 5 days per week: 2 upper body, 2 lower body, and 1 full body functional +core. You can spread these 5 days throughout your week however works best for your schedule. For example, you could knock them all out Mon-Fri with recovery on the weekend or you could do Mon-Thur & Sat with Friday and Sunday off - it's really up to you!
On your off days, I recommend doing something active at least one of the days, preferably something fun that you enjoy!