Get started today!

Este programa de 6 semana será la introducción a la calistenia. Requisitos: Haber completado el programa “Push Ups & Pull Ups” This 6 week program will be your introduction to calisthenics. Requirements: Have completed the “Push Ups & Pull Ups” program

Skills Training
6 weeks program 4 days/week
Skills Training
6 weeks program 4 days/week


Pecho/Tríceps #1
Pecho/Tríceps #1
Handstands, Upper Body, Intermediate, Arms, Bodyweight, Outdoor, Strength
Espalda/Bíceps #1
Espalda/Bíceps #1
Abs & Core, Strength, Arms, Upper Body, Intermediate, Outdoor
Intermediate, Abs & Core, Outdoor, Strength
Rest Day
Rest Day
Shoulders #1
Shoulders #1
Strength, Upper Body, Arms, Intermediate, Outdoor
Love this app!!! Every workout is challenging and I've had amazing results
Beautiful, user friendly app. truly enjoying having quick access to workouts. makes reaching my goal of daily movement much easier.
Clear, straightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Stream Anywhere
Stream to your TV and laptop using Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, or Fire TV.
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

About Sabs Saretto

Online personal trainer

Estoy muy emocionada por presentarles mi app de entrenamiento y espero que estén igual de emocionados que yo por iniciar este proceso en donde van a descubrir todo lo que tu cuerpo puede lograr. Esta app les ayudará a enamorarse del ejercicio, a sentirse fuertes física y mentalmente. Soy amante del deporte y del ejercicio desde niña. He pasado por diferentes disciplinas deportivas como la natación, el futbol y finalmente el volleyball de playa me atrapó por más de 10 años. Tuve que dejar de jugar y fue ahí cuando me enfoqué cada vez más en el gimnasio y en el ejercicio físico. Con el tiempo me he dado cuenta de que los entrenamientos con máquinas son poco retadores y no desarrollan todo tu potencial, por eso he pasado los últimos 4 años estudiando, practicando y promoviendo los entrenamientos de control corporal. Me he enamorado de la calistenia y de los trabajos de movilidad combinados con resistencia muscular y potencia. Me encanta viajar y son fan de la playa, por lo que mis entrenamientos están diseñados para poder practicarlos en cualquier parte del mundo con poco material y que sean igual de efectivos para tus objetivos. Mis programas son aptos para cualquier persona, están adaptados por niveles y diseñados para que aprendas a controlar tu cuerpo y le saques todo ese potencial donde quiera que estés. Estaremos en un contacto continuo, por lo que nunca sentirás que entrenas solo o sola. No lo olvides, tu cuerpo es tu propia máquina, sácale todo el provecho.

Frequently asked questions

What makes Playbook different? How do I know it will work for me?
If you haven’t had success with other workout apps in the past, you may be skeptical about ours. But we’re here to tell you, we guarantee you’ll get the results you want with Playbook. Why? We have hundreds of experts who are ready to train you. We don’t give you one-off programs of PDF documents with no assistance. Our creators add new programs (with interactive, explanatory videos) on a daily basis. Our content is new, fresh, and ever-changing to keep you motivated and ready to work! Plus, if you need help,creators are always here for you. You can message them directly if you have any questions, feedback, or simply want to share your success.
I'm a beginner, is Playbook for me?
No matter where you are in your fitness journey, Playbook can help you succeed. Workouts and programs posted in the app are for any level of fitness. Plus, trainers walk you through all exercises with easy-to-follow videos and simple written instructions. This means you’ll be able to do all the moves easily, accurately, and safely.
Do I need to purchase equipment?
It depends on the workout! Playbook has a lot of workouts that require no equipment. We also have workouts that require minimal equipment (like dumbbells or a yoga mat) and some that require weight-lifting machines. There’s something for everyone — regardless of equipment — to help you get in shape.

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