The programming is designed for someone with some strength training experience. It's great for someone who feels intimidated by what to do at the gym and is ready to commit to a consistent program. This program is for anyone who wants to improve their body composition, improve their energy and focus on building muscle for longevity.
What equipment do I need? Access to a gym is ideal, however this program can be performed at home if you have access to a variety of weights of dumbells or kettlebells, a bench or chair, and some bands. Increasing the weight to heavy is an essential element of this program so having heavier weights you can progress with will allow for the best results.
Sessions are programmed to be less than 45 minutes. As you get comfortable with the movements throughout the 6 weeks you'll find you move through the workouts faster.
Very unlikely—you'd have to also eat ALOT. This programming will help you change your body composition to have a higher percentage of muscle-to-fat. It will tone you, make you stronger and improve your confidence.