

The perfect program to you get back into a fitness routine

Designed for: new mamas (with postpartum modifications), beginners starting their fitness journey, someone who's coming back from injury or anyone who has fallen out of a routine or hasn't worked out in a while!

HIIT, Functional, Full Body
6 weeks program 5 days/week 30-45 mins
All Levels
HIIT, Functional, Full Body
6 weeks program 5 days/week 30-45 mins
All Levels


COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 1 Monday | Abs + Lower Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 1 Monday | Abs + Lower Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 1 Wednesday |  Lower Body + Abs
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 1 Wednesday | Lower Body + Abs
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 1 Friday | Back + Abs
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 1 Friday | Back + Abs
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 2 Tuesday | Upper Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 2 Tuesday | Upper Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 2 Wednesday | Abs + Lower Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 2 Wednesday | Abs + Lower Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 3 Tuesday | Upper Body
COMEBACK CHALLENGE | Week 3 Tuesday | Upper Body
It's not often you have a baby and feel like there are others there for you and understand because they are going through the same thing! Thank you!
I'm 6 weeks PP Today! The workout was great! I loved being able to see the different modifications!
Just got released to workout after having my baby and this is EXACTLYYY what I needed and all the things I was missing!
I'm so glad I joined this challenge and I can't wait to see where I am at the end of the 6 weeks!
I just finished the workout and it was great! It feels good getting back into my workouts postpartum! I will be sore tomo and that's a great feeling!
First workout since I've had my baby! I will definitely be sore tomorrow but I LOVED the sweat!
It was hard but awesome! My 1st time working out as a mom so the word "scaling" suddenly got a whole new meaning (I used my baby as my weight!)
It's not often you have a baby and feel like there are others there for you and understand because they are going through the same thing! Thank you!
I'm 6 weeks PP Today! The workout was great! I loved being able to see the different modifications!
Just got released to workout after having my baby and this is EXACTLYYY what I needed and all the things I was missing!
I'm so glad I joined this challenge and I can't wait to see where I am at the end of the 6 weeks!
I just finished the workout and it was great! It feels good getting back into my workouts postpartum! I will be sore tomo and that's a great feeling!
First workout since I've had my baby! I will definitely be sore tomorrow but I LOVED the sweat!
It was hard but awesome! My 1st time working out as a mom so the word "scaling" suddenly got a whole new meaning (I used my baby as my weight!)

Need to see it to believe?

It's not often you have a baby and feel like there are others there and understand because they are going through the same thing. Thank you for that. The workouts are easy to follow and I was able to do the workouts in the living room with my new baby next to me!"
Can I add my own transformation? I never want to be the kind of leader that doesn't share their own journey! These 6 weeks got me back in my workout routine after having BOTH of my babies, helped me get my diastases healed, and even started getting my abs to pop back through! Can't wait to keep going!
This was the exact challenge I needed to kickstart my goals coming into the New Year! Each workout pushed me in different ways! I always knew if I needed encouragement I had the Facebook group! Someone was ALWAYS willing to be encouraging and hold you accountable!
It's not often you have a baby and feel like there are others there and understand because they are going through the same thing. Thank you for that. The workouts are easy to follow and I was able to do the workouts in the living room with my new baby next to me!"

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Offline Downloads
Workout anywhere - even without internet connection
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Video Workouts
Easy-to-follow videos for every workout in the app
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

About Jessica Cahoy

My mission is to help you create and sustain a body you LOVE

Jessica's sole mission is to educate and inspire women to be the healthiest version of themselves. She has a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing and Health Sciences, has qualified for the CrossFit Games several times, has coached thousands in their nutrition and is also a wife, mom, and business owner. Through all her experiences, she has created a remarkable resume and a very well rounded and professional knowledge base in the world of health, strength, fitness, and busy motherhood. No matter what your age, background, or level of experience, she wants to help you make lasting changes that will improve your body, your health, and every aspect of your life.

cover image

Get support & accountability from our amazing community

Find encouragement and accountability by connecting with others in our exclusive private Facebook community. There you will be surrounded by so many other women who show up, depsite their roadblocks that day, and are eager to encourage one another. Our 2 mottos are: "something is better than nothing" and "a rising tide lifts ALL ships!" You are not alone in this journey and NONE of the girls are ashamed to hide the chaos that's trying to get in the way of their goals! If they can do it, SO CAN YOU!! You can gain access to this group through the "extras" tab in the app!

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