What are the goals of this challenge? To give you guys a way to compete and get after it against one of the top trainers in the world.
What skill level do I need to be at? This program is for all skill levels.
Advanced players should focus on beating DJ’s time by multiple seconds.
Intermediate players should focus on getting around DJ’s time.
Beginner players should focus on being persistent and continue to get closer to DJ’s time.
What equipment do I need? The main thing you need is a basketball. We use some cones for accountability but you can really use whatever you think will work to hold you guys accountable for some drills.
What should I do when I complete the challenge? Once you complete the challenge we recommend beating it at least 5x before marking down completing the challenge.
Once you hav completed the challenge 5X we recommend you mark it as completed and move on to the next challenge.
What are the goals of the program? The goals of the challenge program is to give you all a way to compete at home while working on your game. We want you guys to beat DJ’s time every single workout.
Right now you are unable to find physical competition. Use this program as a way to continue to compete through the game you all love.
If you compete and win each of the 19 challenges we can guarantee you will have a better handle then when you started this program.
Once you really understand the challenges focus on beating DJ’s time at least 5x for maximum results.
How to schedule the program into a week? We recommend doing at least three challenges per week. Focus on beating the challenges 3-5 times per day.
Try not to do the challenges on back to back days. Focus more on beating the challenged time multiple times in one day.
You can also use the challenges as a warmup to your basketball workouts. These are challenges but are also great drills that will help you guys improve your handle.
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)? These are for all skill levels.
If you have an advanced handle you should be able to beat DJ Sackmann’s times consistently.
If you’re just starting off or you have a weaker handle it’s important that you stay persistent in your approach and you will eventually start beating DJ’s time!
What do I need to participate in this program? A Basketball and Limited Amount of space!
How to get the best outcome of the program? Beat DJ’s time 5X before marking it down as a completed workout.
We recommend once you’ve completed each workout and beat DJ’s time 5x go back and work on beating multiple challenges 1x per day.