I don’t own a bench? What should I do? No problem! Here are some variations you can do that dont require a bench!
DB Kickbacks- You can do these in a bent over position with your free arm rested on your thighs. You can also support your arm on a stable surface and perform the exercise in a standing position. Just make sure to keep your back nice and straight throughout!
Step Ups- You can swap these out for a Split Squat. Hold the dumbbell at your chest, spread your feet 2-3 feet apart in a staggered stance, bend your knees so that your back knee comes within a few inches from the ground, and return straight up to the starting position. Make sure to stay upright throughout with a flat back.
Chest Press- Lie down on the ground with your knees bent and arms extended, then lower your elbows until they gently touch the floor. Press the weight straight over your chest to complete the rep.
Box Squat- Perform a regular squat without the bench.
Db Rows- You can perform these similar to the position used with the dumbbell kickbacks. In a bent over position with a flat back, or leaning with your free hand supported on a stable surface such as a chair, couch, wall etc.
Db Tricep Extensions- Perform these laying on the ground instead.
Lateral Step Ups- Swap these for lateral lunges. Hold the db at your chest with your feet together. Take a big step to you right or left while keeping both feet flat and facing forward. Then set your hips back and down until one knee is about 90 degrees and the other is straight. Then apply force into the ground to propel yourself back to starting position with your feet together. Be sure to keep a flat back throughout!
How much weight should I start with? Do the first round with light weights, weights that your certain you can do. You could even do the lower body exercises with just your bodyweight when your getting started. If after this first round the weight is way too light and you know you can go much heavier, just consider it a warmup round and dont count it. Ideally, you want to use weights during your “working sets” that are challenging but not necessarily taking you to complete failure. If a set calls for 10 reps and you could complete 17-20 plus reps with that weight, its too light. If your failing at 10 or less reps, then you need to lighten the weight. You want the last few reps of each set to be pretty challenging. Strive to find a weight for each exercise that you would only have a few reps left in “the tank” for. As your body adapts throughout the program, youll get stronger and be able to add more weight during the exercises. Keep in mind that your form is most important, never compromise your form just to add more weight to an exercise. Trust the process, your strength will come!
How long should I rest between exercises? Rest periods will vary depending on your current level of conditioning. This program is designed to have little rest periods between exercises and a longer rest period (couple minutes) between each round. During the first workout or two, take as much time as needed to recover between exercises. As your conditioning improves, you can shorten these rest periods so that your only allowing yourself to recover enough to perform the ensuing exercise with perfect execution. That rest period might be as short as the time it takes to change the weight. If your handling heavier weights you might need a little more time to recover between exercises. If you don’t have heavier weights you can limit your rest periods to challenge yourself.
I’ve got an injury and I can’t perform one or more of the exercises in the program. What should I do? The most important thing is to not push through an injury. If an exercise is painful or just doesn’t feel right, reach out to me directly and I can give you an alternative exercise. In the meantime, you can skip that exercise or replace it with one that works a similar muscle group but isnt causing you any pain or discomfort.
What if I don’t have heavy enough weights? If your not able to purchase heavier dumbbells or utilize a gym, you can add reps to the exercises that you need more weight for. You can also go at a quicker pace since you won’t need as much recovery time. Some additional options include: adding pauses at the bottom of the reps or performing the reps slower (ex: 5 seconds to lower the weight).
What do I do if I have to miss a week? If your sick or going on a vacation etc, just resume the plan where you left off. Don’t skip a workout or jump ahead a week. Each week builds off of the prior week so jumping ahead is not ideal.
I need to train on back to back days sometimes. What should I do? Ideally you would like a rest day in between exercises during the Phase One plan. If this isn’t possible you might just need to lower the weights on the 2nd day to account for the shorter recovery time.
How can I contact you with any questions I may have? Message me in the app for any questions you have. I’d love to hear from you!
What Equipment do I need to follow this program? A flat bench and dumbbells!
When should I perform these workouts? You can perform these workouts at your convenience. Since it is 3x per week, it would be ideal to space the workouts out so that you have a day or two of rest in between each workout. This will allow your body time to recover.
I want to see your progress! I would also love to see your progress pictures and videos. Tag me on Instagram @swollymammothtraining and use the hashtag [BodySculpt] or feel free to shoot me a DM on IG. I would love to showcase your progress to our community.