TWB - Weekly
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Train With Ben (Upper/Lower Ish)
Total Training Time: 60 min or less
Program focus/highlights:
General Athletic Development across 4x in-gym training sessions and 2-3 additional focused conditioning efforts.
Centered around the 3 main power lifts, this program will increase strength and athleticism, by blending power, strength, hypertrophy, and endurance.
General Guidance:
Listed sets are WORKING SETS, warm up/build as needed given rep recommendations.
All working rep ranges must be self selecting and should be performed with 1-2 reps in reserve (not quite failure, unless specified).
This program is written in super set format, separate movements when equipment or spacing doesn't allow.
When sets and reps stay the same, from week to week, the goal is to increase loading.
The goal will always be to increase the load, while maintaining movement quality.
Add optional 20 min aerobic activity (preferrably outside) to any/all training days if goals require, time permitting. I go for a walk after each session.
Equipment Recommendations:
Full Gym Preferred
Mini Bands
Med Ball
Equipment and Loading Adjustments:
All cable movements can be executed with bands if needed.
Separate any supersets that require equipment which keeps them from being executed as written. If the superset is a loaded movement, followed by an unloaded movement then keep them together always.
If time or ability level is a consideration, use listed number of sets as TOTAL sets to perform and shoot for 1-2 challenging sets with each movement.
If total repetitions is too many or sets list MAX repetitions, please complete as many as you can with proper form inside of the given rep range.
Day Adjustments:
Days 1 and 4 focus on lower body, days 2 and 5 bias the upper body, while days 3 and 6 include full body and conditioning work. Prioritze days based on goals, my recommendation is to complete all strength days (1,2,4,5) and add conditioning days (3,6,7) as able/necessary.