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12-Week Diastasis Recti Program

    • 4.9/5 ⭐️
    • Over 4,000 women have chosen this program for their postpartum journey
    • No equipment is needed to complete this program
    • Goals: Overall core strength, strengthening pelvic floor muscles, working to heal ab separation
Loved how you explained in detail how to engage those TA muscles!!
I loved it! Very good, trying to get back into fitness after having my lovely son!
Clear, strightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective.
38 weeks and this was the perfect, no impact workout to get my blood pumping this morning. Thank you for creating this one!
That felt great! I can feel things happening in my core! Thank you!
Woo! Love the quick workout as a stay at home mom of one and two year old. I used two 5lb dumbbells...the prayer pulses were a great finish exercise.
Loved how you explained in detail how to engage those TA muscles!!
I loved it! Very good, trying to get back into fitness after having my lovely son!
Clear, strightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective.
38 weeks and this was the perfect, no impact workout to get my blood pumping this morning. Thank you for creating this one!
That felt great! I can feel things happening in my core! Thank you!
Woo! Love the quick workout as a stay at home mom of one and two year old. I used two 5lb dumbbells...the prayer pulses were a great finish exercise.

Included in subscription
Bodyweight, Cardio, Postpartum...I got you covered!

Diastasis Recti 15-Week Follow Along
Diastasis Recti 15-Week Follow Along
  • Recovery
  • 15 weeks, 3 days per week
  • Postnatal, Functional, Bodyweight
  • All Levels
DR -12 Weeks
DR -12 Weeks
  • 12 weeks
  • No equipment, Beginner, Pre/post natal
Mom Bod: Pilates Ring Diastasis Recti
Mom Bod: Pilates Ring Diastasis Recti
  • Recovery
  • 20 weeks, 3 days per week
  • Bodyweight, Functional, Postnatal
  • All Levels
Mom Bod: Weighted Pilates Ring
Mom Bod: Weighted Pilates Ring
  • Recovery
  • 15 weeks, 3 days per week
  • Pilates, Postnatal, Functional
  • All Levels
Homebody - Mom Bod
Homebody - Mom Bod
  • 8 weeks
  • Home, Mom, Conditioning
Homebody - Bodyweight
Homebody - Bodyweight
  • 6 weeks
Homebody - Glutes
Homebody - Glutes
  • 4 weeks
  • Home, Mom, Pre/post natal
Homebody - Core
Homebody - Core
  • 4 weeks
  • No equipment, Strength, 6-pack
Prenatal Full Body
Prenatal Full Body
  • 4 weeks
  • Mom, Bodyweight, Build muscle

Mom. Prenatal & Postpartum Coach.

Hey there! My name is Alexis. I’m a mom and online health coach. I like to put health before aesthetics, focusing on whole foods first, and supplements that I can safely use while pregnant and/or breastfeeding to fill in any nutritional gaps. Out of the 15+ years that I’ve been training, I only trained at a weightlifting gym for one year. This means that almost all of my workouts have been done in the comfort of my own home! I was a competitive gymnast for 7 years, obtaining my personal training and nutrition certification after I retired from the competitive circuit, and then started competing within the NPC. With so many years of gymnastics under my belt I’m used to utilizing body weight for exercises, and getting creative with limited equipment. After becoming a mom I realized how possible it was to build a training regimen with workouts that are 15-30 minutes. Working out at home with a toddler, I just don’t always have the time to get in a hour workout plus cardio. I was able to reach my postpartum weight without utilizing a restrictive diet, nor spending hours in the gym. Now I share that knowledge with other moms and busy women!


Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Having had three babies, this means that I've been through three labors/deliveries. Movement and exercise was not only important for me, but also for my baby, as well as to help with my pregnancy overall, labor, delivery, and recovery postpartum. My workouts and programs are designed to help before pregnancy, during, and after. Plus, I'm here to help you! I'm just a message away!

Frequently asked questions

How much does the app cost?
You can start my programs and join my community FREE for the first 7 days. After that you'll pay $14.99/month or $99.99/year. When you break it down, that's $0.49/day should you sign up monthly, or $0.28/day for the yearly subscription. You'll have access to endless fitness content every day!
Do I need to purchase equipment?
It depends on the workout! I strive to make my workouts and programs for everyone. This means different fitness levels, no equipment workouts, apartment friendly cardio workouts, and more. For the most part you can complete my programs without any equipment, but I do suggest eventually getting two pairs of dumbbells (a lighter pair and a heavier pair), and a yoga mat for added comfort!
What makes your app different? Will it work for me?
If you haven’t had success with other workout apps and programs in the past, you may be skeptical. However, this app is designed to not only allow you to log your workouts, but also to be part of a community. I'm always happy to answer a question! I'm simply a message away!
I'm a beginner, can I do these programs?
No matter where you are in your fitness journey, I can help you succeed. I believe that fitness and moving your body is for everyone, no matter what your fitness level happens to be. I have beginner friendly programs, as well as programs for those who are more advanced in their fitness journey. Plus, each program has easy-to-follow videos so you'll know how to do the exercises!

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