Adam Swanson


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Follow along as I post my own personal workouts here EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I love trying new movements and mixing It up for a challenge so watch for the workouts to always be fresh and never be the same!

10 workouts program
10 workouts program


Biceps/Triceps/Light Shoulders
Biceps/Triceps/Light Shoulders
Love this app!!! Every workout is challenging and I've had amazing results
Beautiful, user friendly app. truly enjoying having quick access to workouts. makes reaching my goal of daily movement much easier.
Clear, straightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Stream Anywhere
Stream to your TV and laptop using Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, or Fire TV.
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

About Adam Swanson

Online personal trainer

Since stepping onto the bodybuilding stage at the young age of 15, becoming a Certified Personal Trainer at the age of 16, and winning a national bodybuilding title at the age of 18, Adam Swanson has been on a laser-focused journey to help individuals of all skill levels reach their fitness goals. Over the course of the past 10+ years, Adam has been training and experimenting with elite level coaches/gurus, like George Farah and John Meadows, and has been building strong relationships with and learning from individuals who are the best in the business, like 4x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler. Adam has travelled around the world building numerous successful online fitness platforms/programs that have accumulated hundreds of successful client testimonials. Likewise, he has spent years working hands on with athletes and regular gym goers of all ages and skill levels. He is now excited to bring all of the knowledge and skills that he has learned together into one platform and help guide the masses toward their fitness goals!

Frequently asked questions

Why only 10 latest workouts?
You have to keep up with me! I am posting my personal workouts every single day to keep you moving and progressing!
Can I save workouts so they don't disappear?
Yes! You can now download specific workouts that you enjoy and save for later to return to on another date!
What is the current training split for DVT365?
New Split! January 30, 2023 Monday: Upper Body (Pull Focus) Tuesday: Lower Body (Hamstrings/Glutes) Wednesday: Arms Thursday: Upper Body (Push Focus) Friday: Lower Body (Quad Focus) Saturday: HIIT/Mobility/Core Sunday: Complete Rest
What does the “negative” of an exercise mean?
The negative of a movement is simply when we are stretching or lengthening the muscle we are working. Example 1) Think about controlling the dumbbell all the way down into a stretched position on a bicep curl. Example 2) Think about controlling the barbell down towards your chest into a stretch on a Flat Bench Press.
What does the “positive” of an exercise mean?
The positive of an exercise is simply the contraction of the exercise or the portion of the exercise where your muscle "shortens" Example 1) Think about SQUEEZING and shortening your bicep as you curl it up when performing a bicep curl. That is the positive of the movement. Example 2) Driving the bar down on a Front Lat Pulldown and SQUEEZING your lats is the positive of the movement.
How do I scale a workout down if It is too intense/too much for me?
There are a few ways you can do this. 1. The easiest is to scale back the volume by decreasing the amount of sets you complete. If I have "5 sets of Squats" posted, cut that to 2-4 depending on your fitness level. 2. You can decrease your time spent under tension. If I have “4 Second Negatives” on Squats (meaning you should take 4 seconds to drop down into a squat) you can simply change that to 2 seconds or don't focus on a timing your tempo at all. 3. Last, but not least, if it is a long workout with a lot of exercises and you don’t have the time, just cut 1-2 exercises out and complete the rest. Let me be clear, I am not pushing this, I am simply educating you so you know how to do so if you don't feel your fitness level is quite at where the intensity in the workout lies or you don’t have time that day.
What about cardio?
This is different from person to person depending on what your goals are. Refer to the insights section and make sure to read my ‘Macro Guide’. Depending on where your macros are set, what your goals are, and where you have calculated your caloric expenditure will tell you where you should be with cardio.
What is a compound set?
A compound set is when we perform two or more exercises for the SAME muscle group back to back without rest in between.
What is a superset?
A superset set is when we perform two exercises back to back for opposing muscle groups, without rest.

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