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💥Tuesday- Arms 💪🏽

4.9|55 min|32 comments
💪🏽DOUBLE SET ARMS💪🏽 Need: dumbbells ... more


Favi 3mo ago
I’m a beginner and this arm workout was what I needed to start off to become stronger. Thank you!
Robin 10mo ago
Nice!!! I’m not sure I’ll be able to get a fork up to my mouth but really good upper body work!!
Katie 1y ago
I did not know how much my neck and shoulders needed that until now🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Katie 1y ago
This absolutely wreckedddd me. In the best way. But OMG hard
Lindsey 2y ago
Finally getting back to a good workout routine after our whole house getting hit with a bad virus. Feel so weak today but I lowered the weights a bit and got it done and the yoga felt so good after the arm pump. Love coming back to these workouts. They really are my favorite!

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