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💪🏽 Monday- Legs

5.0|55 min|21 comments
☠️ INTRA SET STRETCH 2.0 🔥 WOYO WEEK 5 Day 1!! You’ve made it so far! But I’m not letting up 😏... more


Robin 9mo ago
That was fun! I need to watch my form on dead lifts! I’m going to have my daughter (collegiate athlete) help me work on that!
Lauren 1y ago
Great workout! Loved the transition challenge, and I think I prefer going to the arm balance from down dog, but when I was learning, lizard lunge was best!
Wendi 2y ago
Really liked this workout a lot! Was quick but effective! And I liked this yoga flow better as well, although I stink at EPK II! It is a teeeny bit easier from the down dog version.
Sydney 2y ago
I chose to modify some & take out the jumps so I went heavier & really focused on form! 🤙🏼
Elizabeth 2y ago
This workout seems so simple on paper but holy mother of burn! It completely wiped me out. I like the somewhat quicker moving yoga flows like this one. I don’t have time to be awkward for too long and then it’s into the next position 😅

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