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💛 Sunday- Mind Goal 6

5.0|4 min|4 comments
Last week! Ah! 😱 Week 6’s Mind Goal is about GRATITUDE. Physically write down (notebook, mirror, whatever), something new you’re thankful for everyday. ... more


Lindsey 2y ago
As someone who struggles to stay positive, this is something that I’ve been doing for the past 3 years and boy does it help. It definitely helps me to be able to reflect on “bad” days and recognize that there’s always something good that each day brings.
Amanda 2y ago
Great mindfulness technique to end the last week! Hard to believe it’s the last week of the program already.
Elizabeth 2y ago
I think this is my favorite mindful goal so far! The past two years were so hard for me, I was really starting to have a victim mentality, and I just think that’s the worst! And it’s easy for me to see when someone else is doing that, yet I didn’t realize that I had been doing that! And the happiest people don’t have a lot, they’re just content with what they do have. And having an attitude of gratitude was another one of my resolutions for this year, so this is perfect for me!
Rachelle 2y ago
So excited for this last week! Can’t wait to see how I’ve progressed from the beginning. Gratitude challenges are always the best to bring positivity to everyone’s lives! Thank you, Mackenzie! I have loved this program!

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💛 Sunday- Mindfulness Goal 1