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💛 Sunday- Mind Goal 5

5.0|3 min|3 comments
Mental Goal 5! This weeks goal might be a bit more involved and require some planning on your part. The challenge is to do something completely new and/or face a fear this week!! It could be as simple as trying a new food y... more


Lindsey 2y ago
I went to my second yoga class ever and ate at a new restaurant I've never been to all by myself :) it was so simple but out of my norm and I loved it.
Kassi 2y ago
This whole challenge has gotten me out of my comfort zone lol 😂 but I have loved all of it!!
Amanda 2y ago
As adults you often don’t think of trying something new or different. Often we find ourselves stuck in the same routines day/night. As a parent we are often encouraging our kids to try something new, so why not us this week! Enjoy the challenge!

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💛 Sunday- Mindfulness Goal 1