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💛 Sunday- Mind Goal 4

5.0|3 min|9 comments
Mindfulness Goal 4: Replace 15 minutes everyday of screen time with creativity. Drawing, writing, painting, music, dance, crafting, practicing another talent or ability, reading something in hard copy. Anything where you’re c... more


Amanda 2y ago
Love this mindfulness goal!! I’ve been working on this for my New Years resolution.
Lindsey 2y ago
Love this week's goal. Picking up my banjolele this week, finishing BLACKOUT by Candace Owens, and maybe even making a piece of jewelry. All stuff I used to do before kiddos that has gotten put on the back burner.
Jessi 2y ago
I started a painting today in hopes it will help me with this mindfulness goal this week. I’m going to work on it every night when the kids go to bed instead of surfing Instagram. 🤞🏼🧡
Sarah 2y ago
Love this goal!! This was actually my one of my new year resolutions, and because I’ve spent less time on my phone, I’ve just completed reading my seventh book and logged over 26 hours in reading!! Good luck to everyone this week!! 🌻💕
Erica 2y ago
I’ve been wanting to make candles lately. I think I’m going to commit to doing it this week.

More workouts from YOGOSKENZ .

💛 Sunday- Mindfulness Goal 1