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Tiffany JenkinsTiffany Jenkins
/6 Week Fitness Program
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W1/D1 Week 1, Day 1

5.0|45 min|11 comments
Topic: Fear Workout: Lower Body


SHANNA 1y ago
This is my 4th first day. I was going to start a new routine, rowing and Double Shots. But I can’t stay away. When you find a program this effective, you can’t take a break and move on to something else.
Sarah 1y ago
Killer workout! Loved it
Kelsie 1y ago
Love this! ❤️ Stepping out of your comfort zone is ALWAYS a win. That’s how we grow! Fear only holds us back. Great workout to kick off the 6 week program!
Margo 1y ago
Lots of modifications for me today. I’m excited to make progress. 4 months postpartum I can modify the workouts to what I am able to do.
Morgan 1y ago
This was a killer workout! I loved the fear talk in the beginning. A big part of why my “day 1” (for the millionth time) has been delayed is complete fear of failure since having a baby! Love your positivity Tiffany & that I can do this at home in the driveway with my toddler!!

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