This training program is super intense & designed to take you to a new level with Strength, Stamina & Lean Gains of Muscle as you drop body fat and weight.
Progressive Overload training with particular movements included which I explained below & included a video link.
Progressive Overload requires several “warm-up” sets and only has two intense working sets per move.
Your warm-up sets are crucial for more volume please understand how warm-up sets work.
Example / My top set of flat Dbell press is 130 lbs & my first move of the day.
- here is my approach to 130
Warm-up 1: 30x12
Warm-up 2: 45x 10
Warm-up 3: 60x 6
Warm-up 4 80x3
Warm-up 5: 100x 2
Warm-up 6: 115x 2
Move 2
Incline barbell press: 225 top set
My approach for warm-ups is this.
25 per side for 10
45 per side for 6
45 and 25 per side for 4
225 as my top set: as many reps as possible that are called for in the training plan.
As you move on in training, you can bring down your warm-up sets to only one or two before each movement and sometimes you d even need warm-up sets.
What are drop sets.
- Use a super heavy set but w good form
- Complete the maximum amount of reps that you can while keeping good form and control
- Once you can no longer push out another rep, drop the weight by 25 to 35% and begin working immediately, there should be no more than 10 seconds between stopping and starting
- You want to take each rep to failure.
What is Rest-Pause
- We are doing it differently.
I want you to use less weight than you did in your top set.
Do all you can do..
- rest for 15 seconds and go again, using the same weight
- Get as many reps as possible again.
- your goal is to end w a total of 10-14 reps over 3 sets of rest-pause
Set 1 I did 4 reps
Set 2 I did 3 reps
Set 3: I did 3 reps
So, therefore, I have 10 total reps over my three sets
Below is a link to my YouTube, where explain progressive overload to you