My whole childhood surrounded around sports. I was doing backflips at 4 years old. When I was 15, everything changed. I moved to Los Angeles to pursue entertainment. I went from dancing everyday to dancing once a month. Eating healthy was never a necessity before. My body started to change quickly. At the same time, I was a struggling actress and had a manager telling me how fat and ugly I was. I became insecure and started to starve myself. I would not eat for days at a time, weighed myself constantly, and was taking laxatives. Then I would binge and consume 10,000 calories in a day. It was very toxic and took me years to overcome my eating disorder. My rock-bottom was trying to make myself throw up by drinking 16oz of salt water. I couldn’t throw up so I spent the night laying by the toilet in excruciating pain. I cried myself to sleep and knew a change needed to be made. I started researching different diets and lifestyles. I tried being a vegetarian, vegan, Paleo, and all I realized was that I was focusing on what I CAN’T eat instead of what I CAN. So I made a change. I threw away my scale. I tried to have fun at the gym instead of worrying about how many calories I was burning. I went gluten-free and it was the first time that I didn’t feel bloated or sick to my stomach. I stuck with it for a couple of months and noticed my body started to slim down. I had confidence! I was no longer living for a number on a scale. I looked at myself in the mirror and was proud of what I saw. I set small goals for my body like seeing vascularity in my arms or seeing the muscles in my legs pop. I would go to the gym and do targeted weight training. The results were drastic. 6 years later, it’s my lifestyle. I have a great relationship with food and working out. It’s healthy, it’s meditative, it’s who I am. Now I want to help other people struggling with the same issues, and show them that small daily changes will have drastic results. Workout with me & let’s make it FUN!