A. Warm-up x 2 Sets
A1. Mountain climber x 20 reps
A2. Kneeling thoracic twists x 5/side
A3. Down dog foot pedal x 10 reps
A4. Cobra pose hold x 20 sec
A5. Bodyweight split squat x 10/side
A6. Prisoner good morning x 10 reps
A7. Banded pass-throughs x 8 reps
B. 3 Sets
B1.Dumbbell RDL x 10 reps @ RPE 7
*Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
C. 3 Sets
C1. Inverted row on barbell (or TRX/rings) x 10-15 reps
C2. Incline push-ups on bar/smith machine x 10-15 reps
*Rest 30-60 seconds between sets
D. 3 Sets
D1. Single plate (or light dumbbell) walking lunges x 12 reps
D2. Bodyweight walking lunges x 12 reps
D3. Alternating birddog x 10 reps, slow and controlled (5/side)
*Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
*don’t go super heavy here. Use ~25# plate
E. 3 Sets
E1. Elevated plank dumbbell row x 10 reps/arm
*Rest 60 seconds between sets
*Don’t go too heavy here, focus on form and keeping your hips/shoulders square and core tight.
F. 3 Sets
F1. Dumbbell strict press x 8 reps @ RPE 7-8
F2. Dumbbell concentration curls x 10-12/arm
*Rest 45 seconds between sets
G. 2 Sets
G1. Goblet spanish squat x 10 reps
*Rest 60 seconds between sets
H. 2 Sets
H1.Banded TKE’s x 15-20/leg
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
I. Optional core x 3 sets
I1. Hollow body hold x 30 seconds
I2. Hip airplane x 3/side (grab onto something if needed, but try to use as little assistance as possible)