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Sarah HerseSarah Herse
/Express Lift - Limited


5.0|60 min|1 comment
A. Warm-up x 2 sets A1. Down dog to up dog x 5 reps, slow and controlled A2. Kneeling thoracic twists x 5/side A3. Push-up negative x 3 reps A4. Bodyweight split squat x 10/leg A5. Banded good morning x 15 reps A6. Weighted YTLs x 6 reps B. 4 Sets B1. Barbell (or dumbbell) Spoto bench press x 8 reps *Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *In a spoto press, you pause the bar 1-2 inches from your chest. This will increase the difficulty so adjust the weight accordingly. C. 1 Set C1. Close grip bench press x 15 reps *Drop weight and narrow your grip for this set D. 1 Set D1. Barbell (or dumbbell) hip thrust with a 4-second pause on each rep x 8-10 reps *Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *Use a light weight for these and focus on the squeeze. E. 4 Sets E1.Barbell (or dumbbell) 1 & ¼ hip thrust x 10 reps *Decrease weight from the regular sets of 10 and add a pulse at the top of each set F. 4 Sets F1. Inverted row on bar (or TRX/rings) with feet elevated x 8-12 reps *Rest 60 seconds between sets *The elevation of the feet will make this more challenging. If it’s too difficult, keep feet on the ground G. 4 Sets G1. Dumbbell skull crushers x 10-12 reps G2. Seated dumbbell lateral raises x 10-12 reps G3. Seated rear delt raise x 8-10 reps *Rest 45-60 seconds between sets H. 4 Sets H1. Gliding leg curl* x 8-15 reps *Rest 60 seconds between sets *If you don’t have this set up, stick with whichever leg curl variation you have been doing I. 3 Sets (Optional core & glutes) I1. Dumbbell overhead sit-ups x 12-20 reps I2. Banded lateral monster walks x 20/side *Rest 30 seconds between sets


Caits 1mo ago
Loved the different variations today

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