Will I get access to all programs ? YES ! All my workout programs , & new workouts are included with your subscription. You also will be the first to know when a new challenge launches in app .
Does the app help with nutrition? YES ! My nutrition guide and over 40+ healthy recipes that get updated in the app on a weekly basis are included in your subscription. Furthermore if you need any additional nutrition help , I’m always in the app to help 🫶🏾
"When can I expect to see results?" I'm not going to sugar coat it, results are based on the amount of consistency you put in each day. But if you follow the programs to an exact "T", you can expect to start seeing results in 2-3 weeks of the program.
"What equipment do I need?” I've made programs super simple to get results with two ways. If you choose the gym based program, all you need is a fully equipped gym. For the home-based program, you'll need a pair of light or heavy dumbbells, a yoga mat, jump rope and booty bands.
Are the workouts beginner friendly? YES! The workouts and programs work for any level of fitness. Plus, I walk you through all exercises with easy-to-follow videos and simple written instructions. This means you'll be able to do all of the exercises easily, accurately, and safely.
Are the programs for all body types? YES! All programs were designed to cater to all body types. Your consistency and dedication will determine your results.