Welcome to workout #11 of the Conditioning part of my Lean Muscle Growth Program. This routine is focused around a Full Body Conditioning program, designed to improve your conditioning, endurance, as well as work on other fitness factors, such as speed, balance, and coordination.
Keep rest times short, and select a weight that will challenge you towards the total reps shown per set, aiming to increase the weight (or add a few reps) for following sets.
You'll notice that this routine is performed for time (30 & 45 seconds for each round). Each exercise is performed once within a circuit with minimal rest between each one. Focus on performing each movement with control and precision, as well as pushing yourself to perform all repetitions with proper form for the said time in each round.
This workout will challenge you in different ways than with previous workouts within this program, but it's this break in the pattern that will help you push past any plateaus, and see new results!