Week 2, day 2! Let's put in the work! This will be a 5 round circuit, doing each exercise back to back with a 30 second rest in between!
Please message me with any questions!
Anna • 3y ago
Amazing! However the instructions for this workout and the one like it earlier in the program are a bit unclear. 30sek rest or 1min? Rest only at the end of each circuit or in between every exercise? I’ve been going for no rest between exercises and 1min rest after one whole circuit and have found that it is the perfect amount of exhausting! Thank you!
Verla • 3y ago
Was sweet. ❤️
Lili • 3y ago
Can't believe how much sweat on me,lol. Thank you for these exercises. You are an inspiration!
Marra • 4y ago
I died. 5 rounds really pushed me. Thank you!
Katherine • 4y ago
I didn’t workout last week once since I finished finals & debated starting over from week 1 and said NOPE. I started week 2 day 1 and did the 5 rounds fully 😅 won’t be taking another week off! My thighs are wobbly🥴🥴🍑