Mindset Masterclass

Join me to learn how to build a stronger mindset!

The Mindset Masterclass is a series of dynamic videos designed to help everyday people understand Mental Health and how to improve their mindset. In this course, I work with professionals to showcase how we can all create habits in our daily lives, the workplace, and home that better support our mental health and our mindset.

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10 weeks program 1 day/week <30 mins
10 weeks program 1 day/week <30 mins
cover image

About the program

The Mindset Masterclass is a series of dynamic videos designed to help everyday people understand Mental Health, and showcase how we can all create better mental health habits in our daily lives, the workplace, and home.
  • Key learning’s from industry leaders
  • Learn how to manage anxiety and stress
  • Build healthier habits
  • The power of storytelling & owning your own stroy
  • Goal-setting strategies

Video Modules

Mindfulness, Meditation, Home, Beginner
EP#1 - Owning Your Story
EP#1 - Owning Your Story
Beginner, Meditation, Mindfulness, Home
EP#2: Understanding Mental Health
EP#2: Understanding Mental Health
Beginner, Meditation, Home, Mindfulness
EP#3: Starting Conversations
EP#3: Starting Conversations
Mindfulness, Meditation, Beginner, Home
EP#4: Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
EP#4: Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
Beginner, Meditation, Mindfulness, Home
Love this app!!! Every workout is challenging and I've had amazing results.
Beautiful, user friendly app. truly enjoying having quick access to workouts. makes reaching my goal of daily movement much easier.
Clear, strightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective.

Need to see it to believe?

"As is the case with others who have used life challenges as a spur for personal growth, Nick Bracks used his own deep insights into dealing with mental health challenges as inspiration for helping others who find themselves in the same situation. Nick draws on his own hard-won experience as well as pulling together key evidence, insights, and advice from experts from many important fields''
Dr Craig Hassed OAM
''Nicks got one hell of a story - and it’s an excellent example of how overcoming challenges is possible for anyone. This is the perfect cherry on top for basically anyone desperately scratching at the door to themselves and attempting to craft better control of their life. The strategies are something I think everyone should make use of!''
Garrett Dunlavey
”Nick is an inspirational speaker with a passion for mental health awareness. His ability to connect to a broad audience of all ages and share his personal experiences makes him a powerful and genuine presenter. I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to improve their mindset!”
Frank Klasic
“Nick Bracks uses his life experience to help others, and Nick’s got one hell of a story. It’s an excellent example of how overcoming challenges and attempting to craft better control of your life, is possible for anyone. This is the perfect cherry on top – the strategies are something I think everyone should make use of. So get ready.”
Manu Feildel
“Nick is a powerhouse of a personality. Instantly likeable and intelligent. His story on shifting perspective on life is inspiring and game changing. Move Your Mind is like seeing through Nick's brain into a world you didn’t realize before. After learning a new way of seeing life, I can now feel more free, determined, and confident to head down a path full steam ahead!” 
Jeffrey Buoncristiano
" Nick Bracks is an inspirational young man with a huge commitment to changing lives.    He has a disarming capacity to transparently "tell all" when recounting some of the poor choices he has made in his life and provides very real examples of how to do things differently.  He has brought many people to tears with his capacity to speak into the promise and possibility that lives in every person. He provides a very real "roll model" of how to take responsibility and make choices that create the kind of life that makes a very real difference in the world."
Heather Yelland
"As is the case with others who have used life challenges as a spur for personal growth, Nick Bracks used his own deep insights into dealing with mental health challenges as inspiration for helping others who find themselves in the same situation. Nick draws on his own hard-won experience as well as pulling together key evidence, insights, and advice from experts from many important fields''
Dr Craig Hassed OAM

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Lifetime Access
Once you purchase, you own the program forever!
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

About Nick Bracks

Online personal trainer


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Find encouragement and accountability by connecting with others in our exclusive private community. There you can learn about nutrition, learn more about form, and connect with other members. Bonus: Nick will be right there to cheer on you.

Frequently asked questions

How can I ask you questions?
Message me in the app for any questions you have. I do my best to review all comments and make any recommended changes. I want to see your progress! Tag me on Instagram and use the hashtag 'MOVE YOUR MIND' or feel free to shoot me a DM on IG. I would love to showcase your journey to our community.

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