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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/Stretch + Rest
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Yoga for Sleep 😴

5.0|15Β min|18 comments
A short and sweet yoga class designed to help you wind down and embrace a restful night’s sleep. The best part? You can take this class from the comfort of your own bed. πŸ˜΄πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


Anna β€’ 4d ago
Restless momma here, this put me to sleep 😴
Katie β€’ 8d ago
This was PERFECT Morgan! I fell asleep 😴
Hannah β€’ 4mo ago
not a huge fan of the music (just my personal preference), but i love the concept and would definitely be interested in more short practices that can be done in bed like this, especially ones with a bit more stretching. thanks morgan!!
Tina β€’ 5mo ago
Love the calming music in this video. Great way to relax into sleep!
Katie β€’ 6mo ago
The PERFECT way to end the day and wind down both body and mind, love this one.

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