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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/30 Day Reset Guide
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W4/D6 Yoga-inspired Full Body SCULPT 🔥

4.9|25 min|4 comments
Got 20 minutes? These are some of my favorite movement in my yoga practice that I’ve formulated into a short, full body workout to tone and strengthen. Remember to take this at your own pace. You can always do more/less round... more


Natasha 3y ago
Challenging but fun! Thank you! ☺️
Viktoria 3y ago
I liked it that you explained each exercise in the beginning before we started to go through them!
Marie-Anne 3y ago
It was confusing that the exercices were explained in bulk at the beginning, there was too much information at once and I forgot !
Nicole 3y ago
This was a great way to end the work day! I even added an extra round! Loving this 30 day challenge!

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