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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/Yoga + Workouts
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UNWIND Vinyasa

5.0|75 min|10 comments
This level two class will take you through all sorts of side body lengthening + twists while strengthening the legs, and a longer cool down to release the legs and give your muscles time to reap the benefits from all the work... more


Cat 3y ago
Such a lovely class! I have had a difficult and emotional last few days and have been waking up so sore in my side body and hips as a result. After taking your class my body feels elongated, stretched and so much tightness has been released from those sticky areas filled with emotional tension. Thank you as always for providing such beautiful classes! ❣️
kelly 3y ago
It was awesome!
Yuliia 3y ago
Rebecca 3y ago
Absolutely beautiful class. Full of heat and rest all in one.
Carla 3y ago
Wow, I cannot tell you how good that felt! It was also so creative, a nice change up.

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