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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/Not Flexible Enough
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Not Flexible Enough Day 5: BALANCE 🌟

4.9|40Β min|57 comments
Hello beautiful people! We are over HALF WAY there. I’m so proud of you all for showing up each day. I know this practice is not always easy, and it takes a lot of guts to continue forwards. Today is all about the ebb and flo...Β more


lou β€’ 1mo ago
Done βœ”οΈ
lou β€’ 2mo ago
Wow, I think this was my 15th time doing this, and I was able gor the first time to do the cresent lung without modification. I was very happy. Thanks Morgan 🌿
lou β€’ 2mo ago
Wonderful practice, I was able for the first time to comfortably do cresent warrior without modification. Thanks Morgan 🌿
lou β€’ 3mo ago
Day 5 is done one more time. I felt super un flexiable, but that's OK cause every time is different. Thanks Morgan 🌿
lou β€’ 3mo ago
Oh, this one was hard. I gladly took every modified option πŸ˜„. Thank you, Morgan 🌿🌿

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