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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/45+ Minute Flow
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Get your SPLITS. πŸ”₯

5.0|45Β min|5 comments
An intro to my favorite stretches for working towards your splits. Incorporate this flow 2-3x a week to really see some results. πŸ™πŸΌ


Kat β€’ 6mo ago
Always the opposite of boring in your classes. Love a workshop style when you get really into it. Big differences on each side. I love that stuff.
Stephanie β€’ 1y ago
I loved this!! At the end, Morgan stated that this type of class can be boring, but I disagree. It was exactly what I needed and a new favorite. Thank you! ❀️
Cam β€’ 2y ago
Love love love!
Tara β€’ 2y ago
This is currently my favorite class!! Yes it is splits-focused targeting hip flexors and hamstrings, but it also has some juicy vinyasas and deep side body stretches. My body feels SO GOOD after and I feel so stress free and mellow. I've been doing it 2-3 times a week and it's been amazing.
Audrey β€’ 2y ago

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