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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/30 Minute Flow
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Feel GOOD Flow ✨

4.9|30 min|20 comments
A full body stretch, hip and thoracic mobility work, and a guided 3 part breath meditation. 30 minutes to make you feel GOOD. ✨


Magali 19d ago
I felt like being at the gym and not doing yoga 😆
Lindsey 3mo ago
I needed this breath work at the end! Finding more time for practicing it is so important
Nicole 5mo ago
Such a lovely way to connect and center with myself. Creative as always!!
Ketzel 6mo ago
Probably just me but wasn’t my favorite. The stretches and poses mostly felt good but I didn’t understand the bringing a foot half a step forward (didn’t feel it like you described it) and breathing for 5 minutes at the end. One of those days where I found it triggering to touch my stomach. Again, just a me thing. I love most of your classes.
Kara 9mo ago
One of my go to flows for when I just need a physical and emotional breather. Quick and so nice!

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