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Morgan OlsonMorgan Olson
/Photoshoot Fresh 2.0 🏡

W4/D3 Legendary Derriere

5.0|60 min|24 comments
Let's rap about sleep. You better be sleeping those 8 hours if you can. Just like your body needs more than 1200 calories a day to function (looking at you, diet industry), you also need 8 hours of sleep. I get it, life is busy. But tell me you're trying to get that extra few hours. The great thing about Netflix episodes is that they will always be there the next day. And I know this is hard, but try to elimate blue light from your bedroom. You want it dark, and watching TV while you sleep is bad for that sleep hygiene.


Helena 7mo ago
Those Bulgarian splits into hinges… rude. Great workout 👍
Gel 1y ago
Was pleasantly surprised that I liked that version of the Bulgarian split squats more than the normal one
Naima 1y ago
That Bulgarian squat to hinge is ridiculous!
Christi 1y ago
Holy butt stuff, Batman!
Jana 2y ago
This kicked my butt after 10 days off.

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